Friday, October 22, 2010

#464 - When I was little

FRIDAY. School was kinda dull. Puan Thillai was the only teacher who taught us today. Finally I get to see Miss Chai. Asked her about some scholarship stuffs & we talked a lot. Felt like crying during the counseling session,but she did comforted me a lot. We can't predict what will happen in the future,so I'd better do what I have to do & not to waste any of my precious time anymore,as what she said,set myself a target & get started to work on it without fear or having any negative thoughts. Not to forget,relax my mind whenever I need to do so. I am too pressurized,peer pressure? My problem? Maybe.

Chit-chatted a lot with friends today. We talked about our primary school life & the 'kiddy' songs we sang. Not to say kiddy,it's like...we sang those songs when we were little. For example,our primary school song,red dragonfly,sport's day song,friends,happy heaven etc. Memories,flashbacks,those moments came to me like waves beside the beach,come & go,come & go. I can still remember some incidents which happened during my primary school life but not each & every single pieces. And now,my secondary school life will be ended in no time. Thinking of the past few years,how immature & dependent I was. Young now I'm still,but I feel that I have become a more mature lady after being through these 5 years. I think I might cry on the graduation day,but I know that I am heading to a better future :)

Some of my friends told me that they are not going to miss the school,but I bet they will change their mind sooner or later,I believe everybody does :) I think I might cry on graduation day,just like how rapidly my tears rolled down from my eyes when the graduation song was being played on my previous graduation day. I can still remember that I was hugging my form teacher & crying non-stop at that moment. I have failed to control myself. But this time,I promise myself that I will enjoy the very last moment snapping pics acting crazy fooling around high pitched screaming hugging kissing my dearly friends like a koala bear.

Let's listen to 'Guaduation' by Vitamin C. Feel the love,feel the lyrics,feel the heart. Enjoy.


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