I ate too much today like an insane and a physco freak. =o=
First,woke up at 7 morning and took my bath.
Started our 'journey' at 8.30am (late for half an hour,should not woke up so early...).
Reached Grandma's house at 9am. Mi-2 and Yin were awake,unlike Fat the sleeping pig.
Took our breakfast then went to 'The mines' bookfair.
There're many people but there're not many things and books to see and observe.
Not many English books are there,most of them are Chinese,some kinda boring books.
I bought 2 English books -- Cecilia Ahern's 'A place called here' and Sophie Kinsella's 'Remember me?' plus a Chinese storybook. :)
We were then headed to a restaurant in 'The mines' hotel to have our buffet lunch.
Whoa~ the food there made my salivary gland keep on producing saliva and made my nerve cells keep on sending nerve impulses to my brain saying that 'I wanna eat!! I am hungry!!' XD
Wakaka,I ate A LOT of food.
Hmm...what I ate...
I ate cheesy spaghetti,cheesy lasagne,don't know what prawn,Thai chicken,chicken cream soup,nyonya kuih,sandwitch,prawn roll,sweet green vege,'sushi',Malay fried rice,chau guo tiao,tauhu,yellow thingy,brocolli,black pepper lamb chop,mixed salad included prawn,peas,cucumber,carrot,tiny tauge,pickles,mini pasta,raw vege and tomatoes + salad sauses,satay (not nice de),tart,dodol,'corn flavour' bubu chacha,bread,chocolate cake,coffee cake (not so nice),honeydew jelly,small litle
cute cakes,mango cake,freezed strawberries (hard...) and finally,strawberry + vanilla + YAM~ + nuts + small almond pieces ice-cream. XD
Wanna see what I ate? ^^
My first dish. :)
My second dish. :)
My third dish. :)
My forth dish. :)
My fifth dish. :)
Yam ice-cream. LOVE
'Kiddy seats' XD
Yo bro.
Mr.Fat. =.=
My 'wear what also lose' ELDEST cousin sis. XD
My youngest bro. ^^
Mi-2. XD
My dearest wai po~
Beautiful scene.
Chocolate cake and I. ^^
Creamy milky and I. :)
Lying on the 'sandy bed'(forgot what it called). XD
Pretty little daisies.
Coping what the statue did. XD
This looks better.^^
Three generations. ^^
Oh yea,daddy did something which I think was cool this morning.
Grandma's flower's head was 'broken',K.O.
She berat hati to throw the flower,so she decided to stick it back.
Mummy used cellophone tape to stick it but she failed. XD
So Funny!! XD Then,superman came for the rescue~~
Daddy used tooth pick to joined the flower with the body back and it looks great! XD
Smart daddy. :)
Look at the tooth pick.^^
Isn't it cute?? XD
Okay,gotta go for my dinner,my kakak's recipe -- super nasi lemak.
Enjoy your day people.
Eat well,sleep well.
Ciaoz~ ^^